
May was a hallucinogenic blur. Mid-month a few friends and I visited Phoenix and Las Vegas, which involved hiking (or vertical climbs, to be more precise), lounging in pools and experiencing pure joy and, well, love after having seen The Beatles LOVE show. Due to the strategic timing of said vacation, I accomplished nothing last month. Actually that's a lie. I did revamp a website for my current employer, but I didn't accomplish any personal goals.

Luckily, the rest of the summer is full of projects waiting to be tackled. I'm taking a record two classes this summer to aid in my quest to get stuff done. One class, an independent projects seminar (helmed by Tom Hart and Matt Madden), will keep my next comic project The Offering (working title) on schedule. It'll be the longest comic I've worked on to date at a whopping 20 pages, which will be challenging on many levels. I also plan on making a few new silkscreen goodies: the usual posters and printing on wood.

My motivation to work hard this summer is the knowledge that the deadline to apply for the MFA Illustration program at SVA is looming. I want to create a portfolio that will make me proud, whether or not I get into the program. Although getting accepted to the program would be nice. So let's make it happen!